Adorable Dance Proposals

May 29, 2012

If you follow Dance Spirit on Facebook, you probably laughed and cried and felt all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings about this video, which we posted yesterday:

Such a sweet proposal! Such a cute couple! (And such talented dancers, to boot!)

So today I thought I’d round up a few more dance-y flash mob proposals. I’ll start with this one, since it’s been making the rounds:

Awwwwwwww. Love that he got the whole family involved—and that every single one of them is doing pretty serious choreography (Skyped-in family members included)!

What happens when you combine a kid-loving couple, 100 hip hop dance students, and the Gap? This super-cute (and seriously epic) proposal:

Last but not least: This is one of my favorites, just because the couple is so incredibly adorable.

Are you smiling like crazy? It’s pretty much impossible not to be happy after watching a few of these. Dance and true love—made for each other!