Raising the Bar(re) on the Wedding First Dance

May 9, 2012

Ah, the first dance: that sweet but awkward wedding ritual involving a lot of swaying back and forth self-consciously in a way that might sort of be related to the beat.

Unless, that is, you’re Ryan and Frankie van Horn, who kicked off their wedding reception with this choreographed swing routine to Benny Goodman’s “Sing Sing Sing”:

[vimeo_embed http://player.vimeo.com/video/41751468?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 expand=1]

That is the result of some serious time and love and sweat right there!

There’ve been a rash of great wedding dance videos recently, from the ironically funny Justin Bieber groomsmen to the truly impressive World Wedding Dance 2012 montage—and then there is, of course, the video that started it all (and its spoof on “The Office”…and its royal wedding spoof). But I think Ryan and Frankie are my favorite. They’re not doing this to make people laugh, to become internet famous, to show off. They’re just two people who love to dance, and who wanted to share that on a day celebrating how much they love each other. Awesome.