February 2017 Table of Contents

January 19, 2017

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The Gallim Dream

A decade in, Gallim Dance is thriving, thanks to founder/director/choreographer Andrea Miller’s vision—and savvy.

Jack of All Trades, or Master of One?

Should you train in as many dance styles as possible, or home in on a single specialty?

The Audition Prep Timeline

What you should do in the months, days, weeks and hours leading up to that big audition.

Top 10 Ways to Own Your Career

Real-talk advice from Tricia Miranda.

Auditions Guide 2017

Essential info on tons of top-tier auditions.

Up Front: Buzz

hits the big screen; the captivating Mr Gaga documentary.

Up Front: The Dirt

San Francisco Ballet soloist Sasha De Sola.


Can you ID these classic dance works?

Letter to My Teenage Self

Commercial queen Martha Nichols.

Dear Katie

Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions.

Choreographer’s Collage

Ballet choreographer Gemma Bond’s inspirations.

Body Buzz

Everything you need to know about caffeine.


Making one piece work for every audition outfit.

Spotlight: Musical Theater

How you can use typecasting to your advantage.

College Corner

What to consider before deciding to transfer.

Get a Job

What it’s like to work at a theme park.

Branch Out

Former Broadway dancer Emily Hsu’s popular fitness brand.

You Should Know

Ballerina-in-training Madison Penney.