4 Strengthening Exercises for Flawless Pirouettes

July 31, 2019

If there’s one thing every dancer is always working on, it’s her pirouette. It’s no secret that this skill takes years of honing and practice. But in addition to solid technique, perfect pirouettes require a lot of strength. We turned to Roman Zhurbin, soloist with American Ballet Theatre and owner of Roman Empire Fitness, for a breakdown of the best ways to strengthen the muscles used in a pirouette.

All photography by Erin Baiano. Hair and makeup by Angela Huff for Mark Edward Inc. Modeled by Ava Desiderio.

TheraBand Relevés

Roman’s Note:
“This exercise strengthens your calves, which are crucial in keeping you up on relevé during a pirouette.”

1. Begin standing parallel to the barre, holding it with your right hand. Slightly bend your right knee and keep your left leg straight but not hyperextended, with your left foot planted firmly on the ground and your hips level. Ask a friend or teacher to kneel in front of you and wrap your TheraBand around your left leg, so it hits just above the back of your knee. Have them pull it tightly towards them.

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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “TheraBand Relevu00e9s”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eu003cstrongu003eRoman’s Note: u003c/strongu003e”This exercise strengthens your calves, which are crucial in keeping you up on relevu00e9 during a pirouette.”u003cspanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e1. Begin standing parallel to the barre, holding it with your right hand. Slightly bend your right knee and keep your left leg straight but not hyperextended, with your left foot planted firmly on the ground and your hips level. Ask a friend or teacher to kneel in front of you and wrap your TheraBand around your left leg, so it hits just above the back of your knee. Have them pull it tightly towards them.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Keeping your core engaged and your spine straight and stretched, slowly rise to relevu00e9 on your left foot. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e3. Lower the foot back down and sink into a pliu00e9.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e4. Rise back up onto relevu00e9, being careful not to rock forward. Repeat this 8 times per leg, then switch legs. Over the course of a month, work up to 32 reps per leg.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

TheraBand Anti-Rotation Press

Roman’s Note: “This exercise helps strengthen your lats, which keep you stabilized as you’re turning.”

1. Tie your TheraBand to the barre, or have a friend or teacher hold it. Hold the two loose ends of the TheraBand and lowly take a few steps to the side, so that tension builds in the band until it’s entirely straight. Place your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart.

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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “TheraBand Anti-Rotation Press”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e u003cstrongu003eRoman’s Note: u003c/strongu003e”This exercise helps strengthen your lats, which keep you stabilized as you’re turning.” u003c/pu003eu003cpu003e1. Tie your TheraBand to the barre, or have a friend or teacher hold it. Hold the two loose ends of the TheraBand and lowly take a few steps to the side, so that tension builds in the band until it’s entirely straight. Place your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Bend your elbows so that they lightly touch your abs, and bring your hands up to your chest. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e3. Slowly press your arms out in front of you and hold for 30 seconds, making sure to keep the tension in the band. Repeat this 8u201310 times.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

Single-Leg Bridges

Roman’s Note: “This exercise helps strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. If you release your glutes when you’re turning, you’ll fall out of your pirouettes.”

1. Begin on your back with your legs hip-width apart, your knees bent, and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Keep your arms by your sides, with your palms facing down.

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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Single-Leg Bridges”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e u003cstrongu003eRoman’s Note: u003c/strongu003e”This exercise helps strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. If you release your glutes when you’re turning, you’ll fall out of your pirouettes.” u003c/pu003eu003cpu003e1. Begin on your back with your legs hip-width apart, your knees bent, and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Keep your arms by your sides, with your palms facing down.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Slowly raise your pelvis up, until there’s a straight line running from your back, to your hips, to the bend in your knee. Keep your glutes and hamstrings activated so you don’t experience any discomfort in your lower back.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e 3. Lift your right leg, keeping the knee bent, and bring it towards your chest, so that it makes a 90-degree angle. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e4. Slowly lower your pelvis until your tailbone grazes the floor, then lift it back up. Repeat this 8u201310 times, then switch legs.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

Exercise-Ball Transfer

Roman’s Note: “This exercise is a killer abdominal workout. A strong core keeps you aligned and stable during a pirouette.”

1. Begin on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Place an exercise ball between your lower legs, gripping it with your ankles. Extend your arms straight up to the ceiling.

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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Exercise-Ball Transfer”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e u003cstrongu003eRoman’s Note: u003c/strongu003e”This exercise is a killer abdominal workout. A strong core keeps you aligned and stable during a pirouette.” u003c/pu003eu003cpu003e1. Begin on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Place an exercise ball between your lower legs, gripping it with your ankles. Extend your arms straight up to the ceiling. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Keeping your knees bent, lift your legs and the ball up off the floor. Engage your core and curl your upper body and head up off the ground. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e3. Straighten your knees and transfer the ball to your extended arms, making sure your lower back remains on the floor.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e4. Slowly lower the ball behind your head while lowering your legs and feet back to a table-top position. Repeat the entire sequence, this time transferring the ball from your arms back to your legs. Repeat this 8u201310 times.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}

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A version of this story appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of
Dance Spirit with the title “Pirouette Perfectors.”