Tag: clean eating

Snack Smart: What to Eat and When

You know that feeling: At 2 pm, like clockwork, your energy dips and your hunger spikes. The “midday slump” can be a busy dancer’s worst enemy. Luckily, you can avoid it by managing your hunger over the course of the day with strategic snacking. We broke down the best times to satisfy your hunger—and what […]

This Selena Gomez Dancer Has a New YouTube Channel

We featured commercial diva Liana Blackburn in 2015 and she wowed us with her super-healthy, vegetable-centric diet—which she maintained while dancing in Las Vegas for Britney Spears. Now that she’s on tour as Selena Gomez’s dance captain (nbd), Blackburn has added a new component to her DailyDancerDiet blog and Instagram presence: A YouTube series! “DaiyDancerDiet […]